主题:【海外名家讲堂】“数字经济赋能智慧文旅”高端讲堂系列(三):Sustainability and Tourism: Applications from Psychology and Sociology
主讲人:詹姆斯库克大学 Gianna Moscardo教授
主持人:新葡萄3522登录网页版 施思副教授
时 间:2022年6月2日(周四)14:00-15:30
举办地点:Zoom ID:894 0572 6000
Professor Gianna Moscardo, College of Business, Law and Governance, James Cook University. Professor Moscardo has qualifications in applied psychology and sociology, which support her research interests in understanding how communities and organisations perceive, plan for, and manage tourism development opportunities, how tourists learn about and from their travel experiences and how to design more sustainable tourism experiences.
Professor Moscardo sits in the editorial boards of several journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism in Marine Environments, Journal of Heritage Tourism, Sustainability, and many more. Her research has published in many top journals, including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management. In 2014 Professor Moscardo was appointed Chair of the international BEST EN (Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Education Network) group.
Gianna Moscardo(吉安娜·莫斯卡多)教授任职于澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学商业、法律与管理学院。Moscardo 教授拥有应用心理学和社会学的背景,这支持了她的研究兴趣,即了解社区和组织如何感知、规划和管理旅游发展机会;游客如何从他们的旅游体验中学习;以及如何设计更加可持续的旅游体验等。
Moscardo 教授还是《Annals of Tourism Research》《Journal of Travel Research》《Tourism in Marine Environments》《Journal of Heritage Tourism》《Sustainability》等国际知名期刊的编委会成员。她的研究成果在多个一级期刊中广泛发表,如《Annals of Tourism Research》《Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel Research》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》等。2014年至今,Moscardo教授担任国际BEST EN(建设卓越可持续旅游教育网络)小组的主席。
In the last two decades, tourism has always had a troubled relationship with sustainability, and it may be getting worse. My research focusses on using concepts from psychology and sociology to find ways to use tourism as a positive force that contributes to sustainability at the destination and globally. The psychology is focused on the experience of the individual tourist – how they make decision, how they act in the setting, what they learn from their experiences and how we can use positive experiences to encourage sustainable action beyond the tourism setting. The sociology is focused on destination communities – resident and destination planners and managers and understanding how they think about and use tourism as a resource for destination development and resident well-being.