主讲人:华盛顿州立大学, Dogan Gursoy教授
主持人:新葡萄3522登录网页版 张梦教授
Dogan Gursoy(道恩·格索伊)教授任职于华盛顿州立大学酒店管理学院,获得了华盛顿州立大学塔可钟杰出教授的称号。他的研究领域包括服务管理、酒店和旅游市场营销、旅客的信息搜索行为、社区对旅游业的发展的支持、跨文化研究等。他的研究成果在多个一级期刊中广泛发表,如Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management。Dogan Gursoy教授最近被公认为是过去十年里,在六个顶级酒店/旅游杂志中发表的作品数量最多的前10名中的一位。到目前为止他已经出版了超过80篇期刊文章,他的研究也一直在学术界广为引用。他的出版物已经被通过谷歌搜索的学者引用超过3000次。
This study examines the effects of residents' trust in government and their emotions toward an event on their perceptions of potential impacts and their support. This study also examines the moderating role of event attachment on the strength of relationships between residents' trust in government and their impacts perceptions, emotional responses, and as well as their support based on social exchange theory and cognitive appraisal theory. Findings clearly indicate that residents' support is a function of both cognitive and affective assessment of perceived impacts. Trust in government influences directly residents' support and indirectly through perceived impacts and experienced emotions toward an event. Findings further suggest that level of event attachment moderates the effects of trust on residents’ perceptions of impacts, their emotions, as well as on their support.