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Mingfeng TANG

Mingfeng TANGE-mail:tang@swufe.edu.cnCourses:

• Principles of management, Business Strategic Management, Business Research Methods, Intercultural Business Communication (Bachelor-level courses) • Innovation Management, Intercultural Business Communication and Management, Management (Master-level courses) • Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Doctoral-level course) • Principles of advanced management (Doctoral-level course)


Professional Positions

1、2016 - : Professor, School of Business Administration, SWUFE, Chengdu, China

2、2015 - : DBA student supervisor for Sino-French joint program, School of Business Administration, SWUFE, Chengdu, China

3、2013 - : Director of International Affairs Office, School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), SWUFE, Chengdu, China

4、2011 - : Founder and Director of Sino-French Innovation Research Center, SWUFE, Chengdu, China

5、2009 - : PhD candidate supervisor, School of Business Administration, SWUFE, Chengdu, China

6、2009 - : Associate professor, School of Business Administration, SWUFE, Chengdu, China

Services Provided to Students

1、Principles of management, Business Strategic Management, Business Research Methods, Intercultural Business Communication (Bachelor-level courses)

2、Innovation Management, Intercultural Business Communication and Management, Management (Master-level courses)

3、Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Doctoral-level course)

4、Principles of advanced management (Doctoral-level course)

5、Supervisor of undergraduate, master, PhD students and DBA students

6、Internal and external reviewer of master and PhD students' dissertations

7、Judge and organizer of SWUFE-Washington State University Business Plan Competition

8、Mentor of student entrepreneurship

9、Advisor of student overseas study plan

Professional Experience

1、September 30 – October 28: Visiting professor, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

2、January-February, 2013-2016: Visiting professor, EM de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

3、November 17- 20, 2012: Participated in Case Teaching Workshop, Ivey Asia Management Institute & MBA Center, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China

4、June -July, 2010-2012: Visiting professor, Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France

5、February 1-28, 2009: Visiting professor, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

6、June 2011- present: Research fellow, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

7、January 2010 - present : Member of editorial board, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

8、November 2009 - present : Member of scientific committee, Revue Internationale de Projectique

9、December 2007 - March 2008: Part time Vice president of International Affairs, Chengnan Middle School, Dazu, China

10、December 2005 –December 2008: Lecturer, School of Finance and Economics, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China

11、July 2003 –November 2004: Lecturer, Sias University, Xinzheng, China

12、March – September 2002: Internship, Domena, Alkirtch, France

13、August 1996 - October 1998: Export director assistant (part-time job), China Metallurgical Equipment Corporation, Anshan Branch, China

14、July 1996 - October 1999: Professor Assistant, University of Science and Technology Liao Ning Anshan, China

15、December 1995 - June 1996: Internship, Construction Bank of China, Anshan Branch, China

Membership and Activities in Professional Associations

1、Membership of Globelics conference

2、Membership of ISPIM conference

3、Membership of HERMES network

4、Membership of Sichuan Market Supervision and Research Institution

5、Board member of a national journal “China Soft Science”

6、Editorial board member of Revue Internationale de Projectique

7、Reviewers of R&D Management, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies and Globelics Conference

Community Service

1、Mentor of Business Plan Competition jointly organized by SWUFE and Washington State University

2、Mentor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, SWUFE

Education Background

1、September 2-6, 2016: Participated in "critical thinking training", Southwestern University of FinanceandEconomics, Chengdu

Obtained certificate of success

2、July 11-12, 2016: Participated in "case teaching method training", Southwestern University of Finance and Economics & Richard Ivey School of Business, Chengdu

Obtained certificate of success

3、March 17-28, 2013: Participated in "teaching entrepreneurial thought and action training", Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts

Obtained certificate of success

4、November 17-20, 2012: Participated in “writing cases and case teaching method training”, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics & Richard Ivey School of Business, Chengdu

Obtained certificate of success

5、July 7-11, 2008, Participated in “organizational learning and changes” course training, Volterra National High Education College, Pisa

6、November 2004 - February 2008: Doctorate in Sciences Economiques, University of Strasbourg, France

Major : Économie et Gestion de l’Innovation et des Connaissances

Awarded degree title of Ph.D (2008)

7、October 2002 - May 2004: DEA in Sciences Economiques (Master degree), Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France

Major: Économie et Gestion de l’Innovation et des Connaissances

Awarded degree title of Master (2004)

8、October 2001 - October 2002: DESS Commerce et échanges avec l’Asie (Master degree), Le Havre University, Le Havre, France

Major: Asia-Europe Commerce

Awarded degree title of Master (2002)

9、September 2000 - September 2001: Maîtrise de Sciences Économiques (Master degree in old French education system), Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France

Major: Monnaie et Finance

Awarded degree title of Maîtrise (2001)

10、September 1992 - June 1996: Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China

Major: International Finance

Awarded degree title of Bachelor (1996)

Research Area

Research Projects

1、« Research on the Influence of Individual Default in Social Networks on Other Individual’s Default Behavior – the Case of PPdai», financed by NSFC, G0302/71403221, 2015-2017 (Leadership).

2、« Research the Relationship between Green Innovation Motivation and Business Performance », financed by Sichuan province, 2014-2016 (Leadership).

3、« A Comparative Research on A Trans-active Memory System in the Development of Traditional Teams and Virtual Teams », financed by NSFC, G020401/71402144, 2015-2017 (Participation).

4、« Innovation、Entrepreneurship and Finance », financed by DAAD German Government, 2015-2018 (Participation).

5、« Technology transfer centers in China: A comparative study », financed by Sichuan Province, 2010ZR0095, 2012-2013 (Leadership).

6、« A Comparative Study of Technology Business Incubators in China and India », financed by 211 project of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2009-2012 (Leadership).

7、« A Comparative Study of University Incubators and Non-University Incubators in China », financed by 211 project of School of Business Administration in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2009-2012 (Leadership).

8、« Modelization of equilibrium between strategy and compensation time », financed by NSFC, 71072169/G208, 2011-2013 (Participation).

9、« OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China», financed by French Ministry of Research and Employment and OECD, 2006-2008 (Participation).

Refereed Publications

Article Publications

1、« The influence of the fracture zone of university scientific research team on tacit knowledge transfer from the relationship perspective », Chen Yang, Mingfeng Tang, Information Science, Vol.34, No.10, p.20-25, 2016.

2、« The research on Chinese female entrepreneur policy framework and the specific measures », Cuiwen Li,Mingfeng Tang, Danping Liu, China Labor, Vol.12, p.27-31, 2016.

3、« Research on the impact of technology business incubator’s value-added services on knowledge creation process », Mingfeng Tang, Yan Wang, Cuiwen Li, Lu Dong, Soft Science, Volume 30, No.6, p.6-10, 2016.

4、« Bounded confidence opinion dynamics with opinion leaders and environmental noises », Yiyi Zhao, Libin Zhang, Mingfeng Tang, Gang Kou, Computers & Operations Research, 2016, 74(C), p.205-213, 2016.

5、« Strengthening regional integration/ co-operation with the neighbourhood system of innovation conceptual framework: The case of China & ASEAN », Mingfeng Tang, Angathevar Baskaran, Yan Hui and Mammo Muchie, Asian Journal of Technology Management, Volume 23, No. 2. 2015.

6、« The study on influencing factors of green innovation of enterprises:Empirical analysis based on manufacturing enterprises », Qiaohua Li, Mingfeng Tang, Mingqing Pan, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, Vol.32, No. 2, p.110-114, 2015.

7、« Does Chinese university entrepreneurship education fit students’ needs? », Mingfeng Tang, Xiaogang Chen, Qiaohua Li, Yong Lu, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol.6, No.2, p.163-178, 2014.

8、«The effect of Chinese “Bayh-Dole Act” on university patenting and licensing », Mingfeng Tang, Qiaohua Li, Jiming Cai, Soft Science, Vol,4, p.135-139, 2014.

9、« Happy beginning doesn’t mean happy ending: Sino-French entrepreneurial team in China », Mingfeng Tang, Cuiwen Li, China Management Case Center, 2014.

10、« Business green innovation:Market-driven or policy-driven? », Qiaohua Li, Mingfeng Tang, Finance and Economics, Vol. 2, p.62-70, 2014.

11、« Assessing state-supported technology-based business incubators: Evidence from China », Mingfeng Tang, Jaegul Lee, Kun (Carl) Liu, Yong, Lu, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 65, p.24-48, 2014.

12、«Technology business incubators in China and India: A comparative analysis », Mingfeng Tang, Angathevar Baskaran, Jatin Pancholi, Yong, Lu, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Volume 16, Issue 2, p. 33-58, 2013.

13、«The impact of social capital on information exchange and well-being in virtual communities », Xiaofei, Tang, Mingfeng Tang, Zhigang, Weng; Xubin, Cao et Yong, Lu, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Volume 15, Issue 3, p. 5-29, 2012.

14、« An expert opinion: an interview with Bin Hu », Weiming, Li, Dong Lu, Mingfeng Tang, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Volume 15, Issue 2, p. 70-75, 2012.

15、« Betting on indigenous innovation or relying on FDI: The Chinese strategy for catching-up », Mingfeng Tang, Caroline Hussler, Technology in Society, Volume 33, Issues 1-2, p.23-35, 2011.

16、« Technology business incubators in China and India: A comparative case study », Mingfeng Tang Angathevar Baskaran, Jatin Pancholi, Mammo Muchie, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, Vol.3, No.2, p.248-290, 2011.

17、« Insight into government managed technolgy business icnubators in the West of China: A comparative case study », Mingfeng Tang, Angathevar Baskaran,Jatin Pancholi, Journal of Masee Monjee Institute of Management studies, Vol XXI, ISSN 0971-1023, p.41-63, 2011.

18、« Management of university incubators in China and in France: A comparative analysis », Mireille Matt, Mingfeng Tang, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 11, No.3, p.282-301, 2010.

19、« Taking the ivory from the tower to coat the economic world: regional strategies to make science useful », Caroline Hussler, Fabienne Picard, Mingfeng Tang, Technovation 30, p.508-518, 2010.

20、« Indigenous innovation system for catching up », Mingfeng Tang, Revue Internationale de Projectique, No.4, p.51-65, 2010.

21、« The effect of China’s “Bayh-Dole Act” on university research and technology transfer », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of Central South University of Technology, Vol. 13, p.26-33, 2006.

22、« The emergence of knowledge community », Mingfeng Tang, USA-China Economic Review, Vol.5, n°48, p.10-15, 2005.

23、« What do South-east Asian nations learn from European integration », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of Sias University, Vol.1, n°1, p.32-34, 2003.

24、« The impact of EURO emergence on European financial market », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Vol.22, n°4, p.250-252, 1999.

25、« Analysis of Chinese house finance », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of Liaoning Economics, Vol.16, n°4, p.79-84, 1999.

26、« Foreign exchange system and South-east Asian financial crisis », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of Liaoning Economics, Vol.15, n°1, p.35-40, 1998.

27、« Analyze the reasons and influence of China’s foreign exchange reserves growth in the 1990s », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Vol.20, n°4, p.62-64, 1997.

28、« Analyze the acquisitions and merges of banking in the 1990s », Mingfeng Tang, Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Vol.20, n°3, p.49-52, 1997.

Book Publication

« Technology Transfer from University to Industry: insight into university technology transfer under the Chinese national innovation system»,Adonis & Abbey Publisher Ltd. UK, ISBN: 9781906704292.

This book got the Award of Research Excellence 2009 of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.

Book Chapter Publications

1、« Technology Transfer Institutions in China: A Comparison of Value Chain and Organizational Structure Perspectives », Chapter 3, Paul Miesing, Mingfeng Tang*, in D. Libaers and D. Dunlap (eds.), University Technology Transfer and Academic Entrepreneurship (World Scientific Publishing Co.) Vol. 1 in The World Scientific Reference on Innovation Series edited by D. Siegel, 2017.

2、« University Technology Transfer in China: How Effective are National Centers? », Paul Miesing, Mingfeng Tang and Mingfang Li, in Corbett, Katz, and Siegel ed. «Academic Entrepreneurship: Creating an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth», Volume 16, p.115-136, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014.

3、« Chinese Research and Development programs for science and technology », Laurent Bach, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt, Mingfeng Tang in OECD (ed.)OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China. Chapter 11, p.453-492, 2008.

4、« Industry and Science Relations », Laurent Bach, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt, Mingfeng Tang, in OECD (ed.)OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: China. Chapter 4, p.189-262, OECD, 2008.

Conference papers

1、« The Role of Alumni in the Entrepreneurship Process of University Students:Social network perspective », Mingfeng Tang, Angathevar Baskaran, Chen Yang, Jianwei Tan, accepted by 6th Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE 2016), December 12-13, 2016, Singapore.

2、« Green Innovation, Managerial Attention to Environment and Firm Performance: An empirical study », Mingfeng Tang, Qiaohua Li, accepted by the 9th Conference on Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE) UNU-MERIT, United Nations University,June 16-17, Mosco, Russia.

3、« How do Strategies of New Technology-based Business Incubators Match Their Incubation Business Models? Multiple Case Studies from China », Mingfeng Tang, Cuiwen Li, Angathevar Baskaran, Jaegul Lee, accepted by the 13th International Conference ASIALICS, October 3-4, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand.

4、« A New Business Model for Technology-Based Business Incubators: An Innovation Works in China as An Example », Mingfeng Tang, Cuiwen Li, Yu Chen, Baskaran Angathevar, presented at the 12th GLOBELICS International Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 29-31 October, 2014.

5、« Herding in Online Microloan Market », Mingfeng Tang, Qilin Cao, Yong Lu, presented at the 15th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association World Conference(GITMA) , Philadelphia, 21-24 June, 2014.

6、« Strengthening Regional Integration/ Co-operation with the Neighbourhood System of Innovation Conceptual Framework: The Case of China & ASEAN », Baskaran Angathevar, Mingfeng Tang, Mammo Muchie, presented in the 10th ASIALICS Conference: The Roles of Public Research Institutes and Universities in Asia’s Innovation Systems, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, 20-21 September 2013.

7、« Does Entrepreneurship Education Matter in China? », Mingfeng Tang, presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Oxford University, UK, August 29-30, 2013.

8、« Does Entrepreneurship Education Matter? Evidence from China », Mingfeng Tang, accepted by the 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, 9-12 December, 2012.

9、« A Comparative Study on Technology Business Incubators between China and India », Mingfeng Tang, Baskaran Angathevar, Jatin Panchol and Yong Lu, presented at ''the Thirteenth Annual Global Information Technology Management Association GITMA World Conference 2012'', June 17-19, Bangalore, India. This paper got the Best Paper Award in the conference.

10、« Technology business incubators in China and in India: a comparative study2 », Mingfeng Tang, Baskaran Angathevar and Jatin Panchol, presented at the 9thGlobelics conference, Buenois Aires, Argentina, November 15-17, 2011.

11、« Technology Business Incubators in Chongqing-Chengdu Economic Belt: A Comparative Analysis », Mingfeng Tang, accepted by AIE 2011, Beijing, Chine, July 1-3, 2011.

12、« The Idiosyncrasy of Student Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China », Mingfeng Tang, in Renjun Li, Henry Zhang and Ruimei Zhao (ed.), Enterprise Grows in Sustaining Efficiency and Effectiveness, p.165-170, 2010.

13、« Technology business incubators in China and in India: a comparative study », Mingfeng Tang, Baskaran Angathevar and Jatin Panchol, presented at the 8th Globelics conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 1-3, 2010.

14、« Management of university incubators in China and in France: a comparative study », Mingfeng Tang, presented at CCIFC, Beijing, China, June 22, 2010.

15、« Are Chinese National Technology Transfer Centres an efficient policy tool to commercialize university research findings? », Mingfeng Tang, presented at The 7th Globelics Conference in Dakar, Segenal, October6-8, 2009.

16、« Do university incubators and non-university incubators perform differently? », Mingfeng Tang, presented at Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, Atlanta, USA, October 1-2, 2009.

17、« Complementary innovation system for catching up in China »,Mingfeng Tang, Patrick Llerena, presented at EU-US Career Researcher Conference on Research and Innovation Studies, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherland, 2-4 July, 2008.This article was also presented at the 6th International Conference: “New Insights for Understanding Innovation and Competence Building for Sustainable Development and Social Justice”, Mexico, 22-24 September 2008.

18、« In search of accurate models to valorise academic research: qualitative evidence from three international experiences », Caroline Hussler, Fabienne Picard, Mingfeng Tang, accepted by The 6th Globelics Conference in Mexico City, 22-24 September, Mexico, 2008.

19、« Insight into technology transfer from university to industry under the Chinese innovation system »,Mingfeng Tang, presented at a seminar organized by School of Public Administration, Tsinghua University, China, 28 march 2008.

20、« Academic entrepreneurship and patent licensing: new trends in France and lessons for/from the Chinese academic system », Laurent Bach, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt, Mingfeng Tang, in Wu, G.S., Gao, J. and Gao, X.D. (eds.) Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008, Tsinghua University, Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing, China, p.364-374, 2008.

21、« Does the Chinese “Bayh-Dole Act” of 2002 have the same effect as the US act of the rising university patenting? », Mingfeng Tang, Laurent Bach, Patrick Llerena, Mireille Matt, in Wu, G.S., Gao, J. and Gao, X.D. (eds.) Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008, Tsinghua University, Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing, China, p. 382-387, 2008.

22、« A comparative analysis of university incubators in China and in France », Mireille Matt, Mingfeng Tang, presented at ERIMA’07 conference in Biarritz, France, 15-16 March 2007. This article was published in Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Management of Technology, Vol.1-2, Management Total Innovation and Open Innovation in the 21st Century, edited by Chen, J., Xu, QR and Wu, X.B., pp.721-727, 2007. This article got the BEST PAPER Award.

23、« Who runs better, a business incubator located in university science park or in a high-tech development zone? », Mingfeng Tang, Patrick Llerena, presented at Druid Winter 2007 PhD Conference on Geography, Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, Aalborg, Denmark, 25-27 January2007.

24、« A comparative study on the role of national technology transfer centers in different Chinese universities », Mingfeng Tang, presented at the 4th Globelics India 2006“Innovation Systems for Competitiveness and Shared Prosperity in Developing Countries”, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 4-7 October 2006.

25、« MNC’s Technology Transfer to China: The Case of Chinese Automobile Industry », Mingfeng Tang, presented at the 3rdAsialics International Conference “From Imitation to Innovation “, Shanghai, China, 16-19April, 2006.

Invited Lectures

1、« The Role of Alumni in the Entrepreneurship Process of University Students:Social network perspective », University of Hohenheim, September 27, 2016.

2、« Technology Business Incubators and Inclusive Growth », Adama University, Ethiopia, November 1st, 2014.

3、« China’s innovation strategy for leapfrog development », for Israel MBA and EMBA students, Chengdu, March 12 and April 9, 2013; April 20, 2014; April 24, 2015; September 22, 2016; for Ph.D students in Frankfort School of Finance and Economics, Germany, October 18, 2016.

4、« Présentation des programmes Sino-Français de SWUFE », Mingfeng Tang, invited by EM de Strasbourg, France January 23, 2013; Rouen Business School, France, February 6, 2013.

5、« Assessing State-Supported Technology-based Business Incubators: Evidence from China », Mingfeng Tang, invited by IFIOE2012, Chongqing, September14-15, 2012.

6、« Management of university incubators in China and in France: a comparative study », Mingfeng Tang, invited by CCIFC, Beijing, China, June 22, 2010

7、« Technology transfer from university to industry under the Chinese national innovation system », Mingfeng Tang, invited by School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, Beijing, Chine, March 28, 2008.
