Education Background
2005/09 - 2009/01 International Economics, Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Ph.D
2003/09 - 2005/06 International Economics, Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Master
1999/09 - 2003/06 Economics, Chi Nan University, Taiwan Bachelor
Refereed Publications
Journal Article
[1] Economic Modelling:The nexus between defense expenditure and economic growth: New global evidence 2014(1)
[2] International Review of Economics and Finance:Insurance demand and country risks: A nonlinear panel data analysis 2013(9)
[3] International Review of Economics and Finance:The link between life insurance activities and economic growth: Some new evidence 2013(2)
[4] International Review of Economics and Finance:Modelling OECD energy demand: An international panel smooth transition error-correction model 2013(1)
[5] Canadian Journal of Agricultureal Economics:Deforestation and the environmental Kuznets curve in developing countries: A panel smooth transition regression 2012(6)
[6] International Review of Economics and Finance:The impact of real income on insurance premiums: Evidence from panel data 2012(1)
[7] Energy Economics:Electricity demand elasticities and temperature: Evidence from panel smooth transition regression with instrumental variable approach 2011(9)
[8] Energy Policy:Oil prices, nuclear energy consumption, and economic growth: New evidence using heterogeneous panel analysis 2011(4)
[9] Energy Economics:Nuclear energy consumption, oil prices, and economic growth: Evidence from highly industrialized countries 2011(3)
[10] Economic Modelling:The U.S. trade imbalance and real exchange rate: An application of the heterogeneous panel cointegration method 2010(5)
[11] Applied Economics:Taiwan's trade imbalance and exchange rate revisited 2010(3)
[12] Energy Policy:The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for water pollution: Do regions matter 2010(1)
[13] Review of Agricultural Economics:Does one size fit all? A reexamination of the environmental Kuznets curve using the dynamic panel data approach 2009(12)
[14] Journal of Economic Studies:Economic interdependence and bilateral trade imbalance across Taiwan strait 2009(9)
Meetings/seminars papers
[1] The non-linear analysis of energy demand: An application of panel smooth transition error correctin model, 2011 Industry, Trade and Regional Economic Academia Workship 2011(5)
[2] The environmental Kuznets curve for deforestation: A panel smooth transition regression approach, 2010 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology 2010(7)
[3] Deforestation, environmental Kuznets curve, and threshold effects: International evidence,2009 Singapore Economic Review Conference 2009(8)
[4] Trade imbalance and real exchange rate: The case of the U.S., 2009 Cross-Strait Academia Workship 2009(6)
[5] The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for water pollution: International evidence, 2008 Macroeconometric Modelling Workshop 2008(12)
[6] Economic interdependence and bilateral trade imbalance across the Taiwan strait, 2007 Annual Conference of Taiwan Economic Association 2007(12)
[7] Reexamining exchange rate, the J curve, and bilateral trade: Acase study of Taiwan, The 6th Annual Conference of Taiwan's Economic Empirics 2005(5)