Mainly for the course: the strategic management ", "management changes and strategic change"
Refereed Publications
Journal Article
[1] Proceedings of the 9th Joint Conference on Information Systems, Otc. 2006.pp 103-105(Search by EI) (ISSN : 978-90-78677-01-7) :An Interactive Intelligent Search Engine Model Research Based on User Information Preference;2006.10
[2] International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol.6, No .9A , Sep. 2006, pp 167-174. ( ISSN: 1738-7906):Double-layer Modificatory Linguistic Truth-value Lattice-valued Evaluation Method;2006.09
[3] Sports and Science 2011, 1 :12-18:Invisible pattern of interests and the interests of the evolution of sports Framework (below) - the evolution of contemporary Chinese sports brief analysis of the pattern of interests;2011.01
[4] Sports and Science 2010 11 :1-7:Invisible pattern of interests and the interests of the evolution of sports Framework (on);2010
[5] Net - Theory Channel:On the strategy of economic diversification of Macau;2009.12
[6] "Wuhan Institute of Physical Education"2007 No. 3, pp6-12:Transition and Regional Development under the dual constraints of the dual structure in Western regional government management of sports;2007
[7] " Finance Science "2007 No. 11 pp41-47:Manufacturing Listed Companies: Performance Analysis and Policy Recommendations;2007.11
[8] "2006 Management Theory and Application of Cross-Strait Symposium Proceedings":Transnational mergers and acquisitions in China and strategy of failure - the CNOOC acquisition of Unocal Case;2006
[9] "Chengdu Institute of Physical Education"2006, No. 1, pp6-12:Transition period and under the conditions of the dual structure of local government management disproportionation Sports;2006
[10] "Cross-Strait Seminar on Management Proceedings of the third":The theory of five forces model of reflection;2006.11
[11] "Cross-Strait Seminar on Management Proceedings of the third":Human Resource Management Balanced Scorecard in the Application of;2006.11
[12] "Chengdu Institute of Physical Education "No. 6, 2005:Sichuan Sports Industry Econometric Model of the Driving Force and Industrial Policy Evaluation
[13] "China Industrial Economy ":"Strategic Change under Uncertainty new paradigm Dominant Logic ";2004.11
[14] "Enterprise Management"(Renmin University of China Information and Data) 2 .2005 reproduced:"Strategic Change under Uncertainty new paradigm Dominant Logic";2005.02
[15] "Financial Science ":Western Resource Based Theory;2005.03
[16] "Economic reform ":Perspective of strategic change - the difficulties, methods and steps;2004.03
[17] "2003 Higher Education Finance":"VACAM" instructional system design theory and method - on the MBA "Strategic Management " Practice and Exploration of Teaching;2004
[18] "Modern Education "2003, No. 9, pp24-25:China's Universities, "Strategic Management"course of teaching the concept of value orientation;2004.09
[19] "managers":You have to commit a certain number of errors - Tom Peters • teach you a winning strategy (Case Study);2003.12
[20] "Management Science, and 2003 operating decisions of cross-strait Conference Proceedings"(ISBN 957-9078-73-4):Our diversification strategy of enterprises;2003
[21] National MBA Education Steering Committee guidance, Dalian University of Technology School of Management, National Chengchi University Business School et al "Management Study 2002 Case Study":Constant company's rise and fall (original teaching cases);2002.01
[22] "SME innovation and development ":An Empirical Analysis of Motivation growth of SMEs;2002
[23] "Business activity "No. 6 of 2002:Sustainable development of China's strategic thinking for SMEs;2002.06
[24] "Enterprise Management ":Strategy confusion;2002.06
[25] "Sichuan Price":Business managers on the wages of the market thinking;2002.06
[26] "Sichuan Price":Cultivate customer loyalty, create competitive advantage;2002.07
[27] "Cross-Strait Management First Annual Symposium Proceedings":Review of Strategic Alliance Theory;2002.01
[28] "Financial Science ":Collaborative Teaching and Teacher Role;2001
[29] "Sichuan General Assembly (Social Science Edition) ":China joined the WTO and the Strategy of SMEs;2001
[30] "Sichuan Foreign Service":Joint venture, holding, owned;2001.07
[31] "Finance Science "5, 2001:Trends and economic transformation of the economic network
[32] "Sichuan Self":Counseling to learn business strategy;2000.06
[33] "2001 Sino-US International Conference on Enterprise Management and Innovation":An Empirical Analysis of Motivation growth of SMEs;2000.08
[34] "Modern Finance "2001 3:Market value of real estate companies;2001.03
[35] "Finance Science "2000 (Suppl.) pp130-132:Western Development to rely on technological innovation ";2000
[36] "Financial Sciences"1998 No. 2; the paper candidate in June 1997 the State Education Commission organized the "National University of state-owned enterprise reform and management seminar"Essay. The paper subsequently incorporated into the document "Reform of twenty-Spring ", document "Towards 2000" document "brilliant twenty-contained"and so on:Reorganization of state-owned enterprises 'four noes';1998.02
[37] "domestic and international economic management "7, 1998:Our Problems and Strategies of Brand Strategy
[38] "High Letter Guide":Guidance in Marketing;1997.02
[39] "plant manager Daily "Sixth Edition:Strengthen health education imperative for employees to work safety;1998.08
[40] "Markets and Development"1998.9.pp28:Diversification strategy on the negative effect of;1998.09
[41] "Sichuan prices quoted" version 1:Industry self-regulation in the market price ---- deflation means of price regulation;1998.01
[42] "Factory management ":Optimization of the implementation of the production site on the Location Management;1992.04
[43] "Economic Research in Sichuan "1999.3-4:Management concepts: knowledge management;1999.03
[44] The 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE 2013):The Impact of Client Coproduction on Service Innovation Performance
[45] in Oxford on 29 and 30 August 2013,host by The Technology & Management for Development Centre (TMD):"Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development";2013
[46] Macroeconomics:"the impact of Top Management Team's Background Characteristics on the M&A activity in Chinese listed companies ";2013.10
[47] China Labor: the problems and countermeasures in applying job analysis in companies;2012.06
Meetings/seminars papers
[1] Dalian. Dalian University of Technology to participate in "the Fifth Annual Meeting of Chinese Management", the report paper "top management team characteristics on the impact of changes in corporate strategy research ", keynote speakers and do group;2010.11
[2] Beijing. Tsinghua University to participate in the "Third National Forum on strategic management scholars, " The theme of the speech, "top management teams and strategic relationship between type of choice";2010.09
[3] Beijing. Renmin University of China to participate in MBA "Strategic Management"course seminar;2009.10
[4] Beijing. Peking University to participate in the "First National Forum on strategic management scholars" to speak on the theme "China Enterprises Strategic Change";2006.07
[5] Dalian. Dalian University of Technology, "Second Cross-Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao Conference of Chinese business management case study" and made speeches on the theme;2002.10
[6] Chengdu, China-US business management and innovation .2001 International Symposium and submit a report "An Empirical Analysis of Motivation SME Growth";2001.10
[7] Beijing. Renmin University of China, "International Symposium on Teaching and Management";2001.08
[8] Dalian. National MBA Education refers to the Commission, the Dalian University of Technology's "Case Conference";2000.08
Research Projects
[1] International cooperation projects between the EU and sub-topics: "European and Asian model of economic development project management courses - International Strategic Management Course Construction ("Curriculum and Module Development in Asian-European Economics and Business Studies-International Strategic Management") ", contract number: ASI / B7-301/98/679-36, Project Leader;Year 2003 -2006 Closed entry
[2] Education Reform Project in Sichuan Province: "" Strategic Management "course and textbook teaching system of innovation", Project Leader;2006 Results item
[3] Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund Project: "Listed companies and the top management team heterogeneity and strategic change, strategic M & A relationship between the empirical research ", project number: 09YJA630134, Project Leader;2009 In the research
[4] Southwest University of Finance and the school management issues in 2009: "top management team heterogeneity and the relationship between corporate strategy - Based on type of choice strategy, mergers and acquisitions strategy research ", project number: 09XG094, Project Leaderr;2009In the research
[5] Southwest University of Finance "'211 'Project Phase III": "Based on the uncertainty of the local environment in western China under the Strategic Change: A Theoretical Framework and Applications ", project number: 200919, Project Leader;2009In the research
[6] Sichuan Huaxi Group Topic: "Strategic Planning in Sichuan Huaxi Group Co., Ltd. Advisory Services Project ", Project Leader;2009 Closed entry
[7] EU's "Euro-Asian chain " sub-project: "Comparative Study of China-EU strategic management", Project Leader;2006Closed entry
[8] Southwest University of Finance and key research projects: "The Chinese way of business strategy and selection mechanism of change", Project Leader;2006Closed entry
[9] "National Social Science Fund Project: " Process of China's sports industry pattern of evolution of sports interest ", the main research";2005Closed entry
[10] National Social Science Foundation funded project: "Transformation and Regional Development, under the dual constraints of the dual structure west of the Government of sports management", subject, approved: 04XTY001, the main research;Year 2004 -2005 Closed entry
[11] Southwest University of Finance and key research projects: "China PC Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy and Models for Change and empirical research ", project number: 03Z42, Project Leader;2003 Closed entry
Academic Book Authored
[1]Chengdu: Southwest University of Finance Press:"China's Strategic change theory and practice - PC Empirical Study of Listed Companies";2005
[2]Chengdu: Sichuan University Press:Corporate Strategic Change:Mode of thinking and the strategic path;2004
[3]Beijing: People's Sports Publishing House:"Sports management - the western path and choice ";2007
[4]Chengdu: Southwest University of Finance Press:"Principles of Management syllabus";1995.08